About Us

Our Story, Your Journey

At Redwood Distribution, we believe in the power of music to transform lives. Our journey began with a vision: to create a platform where artists and labels could thrive, and listeners could discover the sounds that resonate with their souls


Who We Are

Innovation Enthusiasts:

We are passionate about leveraging technology to empower artists and labels ensuring their music reaches every corner of the globe.

Creative Advocates

Artists and creativity are at the heart of what we do. We champion your unique voice, supporting you at every step of your musical journey.

Global Connectors:

With a global network, we connect cultures, languages, and emotions through the universal language of music, fostering a vibrant international community of artists.

Our Vision

To be the catalyst that propels artists to greatness, amplifying their impact on the world. We envision a future where every artist finds their audience, every listener discovers their favorite sound, and music transcends boundaries

Join us on this musical odyssey. At Redwood Distribution, your story is our passion, and your success is our purpose. Let's create musical magic together.

Our Team

Meet the Redwood Distribution team, a diverse group of individuals brought together by a shared love for music and a commitment to your success.


Tonmoy Nath

Founder & CEO


Shilpishikha Boruah

Managing Director - Operations


Himanshu Nath

Director - Artist & Label Services


Kiran Nath

Director - Legal & Business Affairs


Durlav Subedar

Head - Publishing & Copyright


Our Values

  • Passion for Music: We are driven by a deep passion for music and its ability to inspire, heal, and bring people together.
  • Innovation at Heart: : Innovation fuels our efforts, ensuring we remain at the forefront of the ever-evolving music industry.
  • Artist-Centric Approach: Artists are our heroes. We champion their creativity, providing unwavering support to help them thrive.
  • Community Building: We believe in fostering a vibrant musical community, connecting artists, listeners, and industry professionals.